Tuesday, 28 June 2011
Monday, 30 May 2011
Sunday, 22 May 2011
Local birding, Lancs : Brockholes NR LWT - 17th-22nd May 2011.
Wood Sandpiper: At least 1 bird. There was a two day gap between sightings. I have video footage of 'both' and intend to grill them to see if I can note any plumage differences.
Little Stint: 1.
Turnstone: 19 recorded through the site 16th-22nd, inc a record flock of 15.
Sanderling: 19 recorded through during the period, inc a record flock of 8, and a flock of 6. The previous best spring total was 21 birds between 13th May and 5th June 2000. Looks as though, given enough coverage, this total will be broken in spring 2011.
Dunlin: 66 recorded flying east-west through the site. With variable numbers of grounded birds recorded, number is likely to be closer if not exceeding c100. Highest grounded count being 20 on the evening of 18th May.
Ringed Plover: 68 recorded flying east-west on 16th-17th. With variable numbers of grounded birds, number definately exceeds 100 through the site 16th-22nd.
Grey Plover: A first-summer type evening of 18th May (the only decent bird I failed to connect with).
Knot: 3, grey first-summer type birds.
Whimbrel: Several records totalling c15 birds moving through the site and departing north during the day, contrary to birds dropping in from NE and back out when feeding/roosting in area.
Arctic Tern: 5 birds through.
Common Tern: 4 birds through.
Osprey: 2 sightings: 1 on 17th (see previous blog entry) and one on 21st May.
Blue-headed Wagtail: Male on 16th-17th May (see previous blog entry). This would apear to be the first definate record for the site, though there have been 1+ female types thought to be flava in the past.
Additionally: Occasional Hobby sightings and a regular imm Peregrine.

Above & below: Wood Sandpiper - 20th May 2011. Always a great species to record on the patch, particularly in spring, this is one of perhaps two different birds this week.

Above & below: Little Stint - 20th May 2011. Only the 3rd spring record in the period 1999 - 22nd May 2011, following one on 7th-8th May 1999 and 2 on 14th May 2000.

Above: Sum plum male Turnstone - 17th May 2011. 19 birds have been recorded between 16th- including a recrd breaking flock of 15 on 16th May 2011. The previous record site flock being 9 (with three Sanderling) on 27th May 2000.

Above: imm Peregrine.
Monday, 16 May 2011
Local birding: Brockholes Nature Reserve LWT, Lancs - 16th May 2011.
Firstly, no sooner had I parked in the Reserve car park and opened the boot lid, I glanced around to see a large bird with brown upperparts and a clearly interesting jizz with the naked eye, flying low over the screen planting on the SE compound bund.... A low flying Osprey!
All too quickly, the Osprey continued downriver towards the M6 roadbridge. I slammed the boot shut, cranked up the Chariot and shot down the Reserve access road hitting 50mph in an attempt to head the bird off at the entrance for a record shot. Thankfully no LWT staff were onsite to witness the manic drive/slow me down.
The Osprey stopped just short of the entrance and began to fish briefly before heading back upstream, allowing me time to get the record shot. Time of sighting was 07:10-07:19. What a great start to the session.

Sunday, 15 May 2011
Local birding: Wood Sandpiper, Brockholes Nature Reserve LWT - 15th May 2011.