Above & below: Great White Egret, Humphrey Head, Cumbria, 24th Sept 2009. Always an impressive sight, the Egret showed well, though fairly distantly, on the saltmarsh on+off before flying north at 15:40, though perhaps not far.
Above: Whinchat, Humphrey Head, Cumbria. Also seen were 2 Peregrine, a skein of 48 Pink-footed Geese flew south, 3 Raven and 2 Wheatear.
Above: Whinchat, Humphrey Head, Cumbria. Also seen were 2 Peregrine, a skein of 48 Pink-footed Geese flew south, 3 Raven and 2 Wheatear.
A visit to the local patch, Brockholes Wetland LWT, Lancs, early evening:
Above: The juv Black-necked Grebe still present. Above & below: 2 Water Rail (top: juv/1stw, bottom: adult), Brockholes wetland LWT, Lancs, 24th sept 2009. Absolute record shots, these two birds have been present in the reedbed at the eastern end of the Main Pool, out from the third passing place, for at least a week now. Evenings appear to be best.